In the Milne-Edwards amphitheater of the Sorbonne, on the evening of January 22, the geographer Rachele Borghi inaugurates “scientists against Gaza”, the very first seminar organized on the Palestinian issue by teachers at Sorbonne University. The reselling resell “A political act”. “In a context that gives us injunctions to censor ourselves with our positions on Gaza, we will tell the truth and adopt the language of international law”she said in the introduction.
But discussion and mobilization on the subject are not self -evident. The day before, on the Sorbonne-Paris Nord campus, in Villetaneuse (Seine-Saint-Denis), a conference by researcher Pascal Boniface relating to his work Israel-Palestine, a limited war? (Eyrolles, 184 pages, 12 euros, digital 8.50 euros) had been deprogrammed by the president of the establishment “For security reasons”. In Sciences Po, in Paris, three students were excluded for a period of thirty days from February 25, after having disrupted the progress of a meeting of the Institute council by shouting in a corridor: “Israel Assassin Sciences Pi Complete!”
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