While a new meeting is held on the future of pension reform, retirees encountered at the Senior Salon, Porte de Versailles in Paris, returned to the last debates around a user to invest in the defense industry.
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A debate “derisory“? The social partners meet again Thursday, March 13, at the Ministry of Labor, in an attempt to find a compromise on pensions. On the menu of the famous” conclave “: age and duration of contribution. Except that these debates are struck by the intervention of external actors. Like the director general of Bpifrance, Nicolas Dufourcq who considers that the money of the younger retirees should be put in defense.
Or the proposal of the Chairman of the Pension Orientation Board (COR) Gilbert this to remove the tax reduction for professional expenses, from which retirees benefit. The latter, considered close to Emmanuel Macron, even estimated in a forum published Wednesday March 5 in the Digital Telos journal that “The gradual entry into a war economy will make secondary, if not derisory“The debate reopened on the development of the 2023 reform. Enough to make many unions jump … but also retirees that Franceinfo met at the Senior Salon.
When she listens to the comments made on the sidelines of discussions on pensions, Maricol, 77, looks up to the sky: “No, but I’m going to come across my head!“This former bank employee is annoying the small music that depicts seniors like”privileged“.”No, no, the retirees we paid, we contributed. Do not type on retirees!“, She says, with an accent of the south of France.
Admittedly, the purchasing power of retirees, more often owners, is higher than that of assets. But Nadia, too, has invoices to pay, she recalls. “”Energy, a retiree must pay it as an employee. Otherwise it does not heat up, otherwise it cannot cook, if it has no gas or electricity. Life is difficult for everyone! “She gets annoyed.
A feeling shared by Raphaël, 66, former self -employed worker. “”My wife was part -time home help. She has 1,200 euros in retirement. I have 1,700 bullets. We don’t have a minister’s retirement!“, he tackles in turn. And this young retiree says he is very attentive to the current political debate two years from the presidential election:”He will have to remember that it is still the old ones who vote! We must not forget it, much more than young people …“”
A reflection in the form of a warning, an argument taken up by many other retirees in the aisles of the Senior Salon.