Guarantee of the laws of the game, IFAB formalized this Saturday a rule which during the final of the last World Cup could have changed many things.
Didier Deschamps’ Blues will be able to regret that this rule was not ratified earlier by the International Football Association Board (IFAB). This Saturday 1East July, the cell ensuring the respect and evolution of the laws of the round ball published an amendment intended to supervise the attitude of the goalkeepers during a penalty or a shot to the goal. Details echoing the execrable behavior of the Argentinian porter during the World Cup final on December 18.
Returning to the shot to the goal missed by Aurélien Tchouameni, Emiliano Martinez boasted after the fact in the press for having been able to destabilize the young Merengue. “” I knew the boy was going to be nervous. I tried to work mentally by throwing the ball and talking to him … and he pulled next to it! He missed. From now on, such vice is simply prohibited. “” The goalkeeper cannot abusively distract the shooter, for example by delaying the execution of the penalty or by touching the posts, the transverse bar or the nets », Note the IFAB in addition to Law 14. And to hammer:« The goalkeeper must take care to respect the game and the opponent. “”
Stop to too long celebrations
Another measure announced last spring and henceforth come into force, any celebration deemed excessively long by the arbitral body will give rise to compensation in terms of additional time. “” The goal celebrations often generate a large amount of lost time which must be offset by the referee », Backs IFAB in an update of law 7 relating to the duration of matches.