Reading time: 1min – Video: 2min
2 minutes
The eggs are becoming increasingly rare on the shelves of supermarkets. But why?
It’s a bit of egg hunt on the shelves of supermarkets. Some references are lacking and egg consumption continues to increase. “As much in pastry as raw eggs, etc. Everyone is fond of eggs at home,” said a consumer. A Frenchman consumes on average 224 eggs each year. The figure is up while production is in tension.
“There is a lot of request but it lacks breeders. I have 17,000 hens so I can produce only 16,000 eggs per day”explains Jonathan Desbarats, breeder in the Gers. Production in France is also in full transformation. Indeed, the European Union wishes to prohibit cage farming and producers must adapt. As a result, the volume is down. For the moment, the risk of shortage is low, so you need to rush to stores.
Watch the entire report in the video above