In less than forty-eight hours, the coast of Syria has ignited and the whole country retained its breath. Following several attacks on security forces in the coastal provinces of Lattaquié and Tartous, the new transitional authorities in Damascus dispatched, Friday, March 7, thousands of soldiers in this bastion of the Alaouite minority, from which the clan of Bashar al-Assad came, to fight against an armed insurrection launched by the faithful of the fallen regime.
The spark started from the village of Beit Ana, in the countryside located south of the city of Jablé, south of Lattaquié. A general security patrol fell on Thursday in an ambush stretched by armed men, killing thirteen people and several injured among the forces of the new regime. The clashes quickly extended to the towns and villages of the region, opposing the provisional government for the militias and supporters of the Old Regime, who have taken over several military positions.
After the fall of Bashar al-Assad, on December 8, 2024, numerous officers and executives of the regime had found refuge in this mountainous region bordered by the Mediterranean, giving rise to regular but sporadic skirmishes with the new masters of the country. “This time, everything indicates that the attacks have been premeditated, well coordinated and planned. We have faced simultaneous assaults of heavily armed men and notably having communication systems from abroad ”Affirms Nasser Zidane, in charge of the media office in the new local authorities in Lattaquié.
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