Reading time: 1min – Video: 1min
1 min
Faced with a potential de -escalation of world conflicts, France intends to increase the production of weapons in the territory. From artillery to land, sailors and air vehicles, the entire industrial defense base of the country is concerned.
To strengthen these defense capacities and respond to possible threats, France wants to produce more weapons and faster. On the international scene, it is already doing well with 9.6 % exports, but remains far behind the United States (43 %). Among the tricolor advantages, the caesar cannons already provided to Ukraine, the submarines and of course the Rafale. However, the government intends to rise in power and manufacturers have already intensified the production rate.
But it seems insufficient in the event of war: “In France, we still have an industrial defense base which is capable of producing and providing the armies almost all types of equipment. The only problem is that it’s been twenty years that we have not invested in these productions … ”Assures Maxime Gordet, researcher at IRIS (Institute of International and Strategic Relations). The government plans to increase military spending up to 3.5 % of GDP against 2 % currently.
Find the entire report in the video above.