Captain of the XV of France and the Stade Toulousain, Antoine Dupont is visibly very popular with the arbitral body.
The recent criticisms issued by Antoine Dupont against arbitrators have visibly not crumpled the arbitral body. Witness the sweet words slipped about him by Luke Pierce, who officiated at the whistle during the shock between the Sharks and the Stade Toulousain, last weekend.
Questioned at the podcast microphone Good, evil and rugby On the half of the tricolor melee as well as on Siya Kolisi, his vis-à-vis among the Sharks and the Springboks, the English referee had only good to say of the two men. “” We are dealing with world -class superstars which are very professional and very, very kind ”,
he said.
“So polite and pleasant”
“According to my experience so far, last weekend, they were probably the nicest captains with whom I have never worked, so polished and pleasant and world class in what they do. If only we could have more of this in all areas of activity ”,
he continued.
In recent months, Antoine Dupont has however attacked the arbitral body several times. “Proud of the talent and courage of young people. On the other hand, the protection of the physical integrity of the players ”Had he wrote in a message published on Instagram after the defeat conceded by the young Toulouse shoots on the lawn of La Rochelle.
The former Castres had also moved to a delayed sharing during the trip to the lawn of Exeter.
“I don’t understand why it was not more punished. It can only be dangerous and against the spirit of the game of placing a player with delay. It happened to me four or five times on the first half. I hope it will be more sanctioned in the future ”, had he launched to the referee.