Wounded against Toulouse, the Bayonnais Camille Lopez suffers from a tear at the ischio of the left thigh and will be absent for several weeks.
Hard blow for Bayonne. His half of French international opening Camille Lopez suffers from a grade 2 tear in the ischio of the left thigh, according to information fromHere Basque Countryconfirmed by Rugby drama. Therefore, the player should be absent between three and four weeks. It was at the end of the last meeting of the elite, last Saturday, during the heavy defeat on the lawn of the Stade Toulousain (41-6), that the rugby player was injured.
For this match, the main interested party was already “Strappé” in this left thigh, since he felt embarrassment, at this level, before starting this meeting. Despite everything, he had started this match on the replacement bench, before entering the 58th minute. It was by trying to catch up with Nelson Epée, at the time of the seventh and last test of the premises, that he made this injury.
The busy Bayonnaise infirmary
His entry into play had also not allowed his training to straighten his head, facing the men of Ugo Mola, who were already largely in front, at the display table (34-6). Since the start of this 2024-2025 season, Camille Lopez has already played a total of 19 games, including eleven as a holder. Until now, the opening half had only missed the fifth day of Top 14. On October 5, the Bayonnais had bowed on the lawn of Bordeaux-Bègles (30-27).
After a total of 17 top 14 games already played, Bayonnais Aviron occupies fourth place in the championship ranking. This Sunday evening at 9:05 p.m., at the end of the 18th day, Bayonne receives ASM Clermont Auvergne. On this occasion, Grégory Patat will therefore have to do without Camille Lopez. Manu Tuilagi, also in delicacy with his hamstrings, could also miss the call. Other Bayonnais are still in the infirmary, such as Reece Hodge, Maxime Machenaud or Baptiste Héguy.