Bike bike deliveryers to claim better remuneration

According to the first union in the sector, bicycle deliverers face a 25% drop in their turnover. On strike everywhere in France on Tuesday, they expect a lot from negotiations with the platforms.


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A bicycle delivery man working for Uber Eats in Saint-Étienne on May 29, 2023. (R? My Perrin / Maxppp)

A bicycle delivery man working for Uber Eats in Saint-Étienne on May 29, 2023. (R? My Perrin / Maxppp)

Bike deliverers are mobilizing Tuesday, March 18 in more than 25 cities in France, notably asking the platforms (Deliveroo, Uber Eats, Stuart) to increase their remuneration which continues to decrease. This no longer allows them, under the terms of representative unions, to live “decently”.

Marwan has been a delivery man to Paris for almost five years. He sometimes works seven days a week and notes, disillusioned, that “It no longer feeds, because we have charges next to it”. “There, for example, I have a 9.2 km race for 10 euros”, While a few years ago, the price was higher.

Delivers lost 25% turnover over a year, according to Union-independent, the first union in the sector. This is the reason for this strike, explains its national delegate, Fabian Tosolini: “This mobilization is a first in the delivery sector since it starts from a request from deliverers”.

“It was the deliverers who told us that they couldn’t take it anymore, that they could no longer eat.”

Fabian Tosolini, of the Union-Independent Syndicate

in franceinfo

“This mobilization is massive. It affects very large agglomerations but also smaller cities like Melun or Douai. There are around fifty deliverers in Douai for example and we know that they will be at least forty to mobilize so when you take the ratio, it’s considerable”he explains.

This message will also be issued at a meeting Tuesday afternoon in Paris with the representatives of the platforms who did not agree to move. Negotiations will be done in Visio. The Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Stuart platforms responded to Franceinfo via their professional organization The Association of Independent Platforms (API): “We intend to continue the discussions to continue to make these exchanges, a constructive negotiation at the service of new rights for the deliverers”.

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