Donald Trump announces the abolition of $ 400 million in federal aid at Columbia University

Propalestinian demonstrators parade on the campus of Columbia University in the United States on October 7, 2024.

It is the first time, since his inauguration, on January 20, that Donald Trump announced such a direct offensive against the finances of a university. The administration of the Republican President reported, on Friday, March 7, of the “Immediate deletion” of $ 400 million (369 million euros) of federal subsidies at New York Private University Columbia, epicenter of Propalestinian demonstrations in the spring of 2024, which she accuses of inaction facing “To anti -Semitic acts”.

According to the Columbia website, its income amounted in 2024 to 6.6 billion dollars, including 1.3 billion“Government aid”.

“These deletions represent the first series of actions and others should follow”,, wrote four federal agencies and ministriesincluding those of justice and education, in a press release which denounces “Inaction in the face of persistent harassment of Jewish students”.

Read the story | Article reserved for our subscribers The war in Gaza puts American campuses in effervescence

“It is a new example of the politicization of higher education and the interference of the government which hinder academic freedom and institutional autonomy”regretted, in a reaction to the France-Presse agency (AFP), the president of the American Association of Universities (AACA), Lynn Pasquerella.

The Trump administration positions “Raise serious concerns about academic freedom and the rights of the first amendment” From the American constitution on freedom of expression, added Lynn Pasquerella. The consequences will be felt “Not only by teachers and students, but also by all those who benefit from essential research on diseases” AND “Other public health problems, conducted in Columbia”.


Donald Trump had universities in the viewfinder throughout his campaign, denouncing their inaction in the face of protests from Propalestinian students who rocked American campuses to protest the war waged by Israel in Gaza after Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023.

This week, the president has further threatened to cut funds at any university authorizing “Illegal demonstrations”also promising to expel foreign students in their country of origin “Agitators”.

Read the story | Article reserved for our subscribers The University of Columbia, a student home for the Propalestinian movement

“Since October 7 (2023)Jewish students face incessant violence, intimidation and anti -Semitic harassment on their campuses – and are ignored by those who are supposed to protect them “wrote the Minister of Education Linda McMahon. “We take seriously the legal obligations of Columbia and understand the severity of this announcement” From the Trump administration, reacted a university spokesperson. “We are committed to fighting anti-Semitism and guaranteeing the safety and well-being of our students, our faculty and our staff”she added.


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The University of Columbia, a private establishment of the prestigious and selective Ivy League, which has some 30,000 students and where the budget for a year of schooling amounts to around 90,000 dollars, had become the sometimes tense epicenter against Israeli bombings in Gaza and the support of the Biden administration in Israel.

New events

At the call of the President of Columbia, Nemat Shafik, who has since resigned, New York police had dislodged Manu Militari from the campus a few dozen propalely activists and students on April 30, 2024. The president had been accused of not fighting fairly firmly against comments or acts aimed at Jewish students, but also to have had too heavy hand against groups of Propalestinian students.

In recent days, new demonstrations have been held to protest against the exclusion of two students who had disrupted a course on the history of Israel at the Barnard College – the University for Women attached to Columbia.

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“We must take the attacks of bad faith against higher education for what they are and respond to them”also reacted to AFP Joseph Howley, professor of classical letters in Columbia, hoping that the university disputes in court “This manifestly illegal measure”.

Since his inauguration, Donald Trump has multiplied the shock ads of massive layoffs in the federal administration, as well as important cups in public funding of medical research, which will impact universities. The White House intends to save $ 4 billion a year, discounts denounced in the world of scientific research. Many measures launched by the American president have been challenged before the courts and for some blocked by judges.

The world with AFP

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