Imitate it to better face it. It’s with a cap “Canada is not for sale” (“Canada is not for sale”) that Doug Ford introduced himself, on January 15, to a meeting of the Prime Ministers of the provinces and territories of Canada. The warning is then addressed to Donald Trump, who threatens his neighbor of trade war and annexation. A political message on a cap, like a nod to those of the American president.
From an admirer of Donald Trump to one of his fiercest opponents in Canada: here, in just a few months, the clothes that the Prime Minister of Ontario put on. A reversal of a jacket – and a cap – which seems to have imposed itself in the face of the seriousness of the situation. The leader of the Progressive-Conservative Party of Ontario admitted, in January, having been “100 % happy” From Donald Trump’s victory, but he had since betrayed Canada.
Doug Ford now multiplies offensives against him, first on the media field. He is one of the only Canadian leaders to run continuous information channels in the United States to try to convince American citizens that Trump’s policy towards his neighbor is not the right one. On Fox News, CNN or NBC News, Doug Ford has become the voice of Canada, and he knows how to spare his neighbors. “I apologize to the Americans: it is not you, it is your president who causes these problems. (…) Canadians love Americans ”he said in An interview with CNNTuesday March 4.
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