Lhe unreasonable blackmail exerted by Donald Trump on the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, cannot be reduced to a simple accident for the transatlantic relationship. Our alliance undergoes a systematic sabotage operated by the American president: we are faced with a desire for radical rupture and a hostility against the institutions and governments of Europe clearly stated, in Munich, on February 14, by the vice-president JD Vance. This deep rupture intricates us, with an emergency, to ensure our security, not only independently, but despite an America which makes its own the story of the Kremlin, which unleaves its commitments to its allies and which could instrumentalize our dependence on it. If nothing is done, Europe risks marginalization or satellization.
The situation led Europeans – with rare exceptions – to reaffirm their full support for President Volodymyr Zelensky. Some officials, including among the most Atlanticists, are now considering the overcoming or replacement of American security leadership. This very late awareness remains fragile, however: the risk exists that the European burst observed for a few weeks comes down to an incantatory posture without real financial, capacity and operational translation.
Europe today pays the price of procrastination years. Our support for Ukraine has systematically suffered from a lack of consistency and he intervened in a setback. We armed, dropper and reluctantly, for fear of a Russian escalation which has never materialized. Now Europe no longer has the luxury of American aid to compensate for its shortcomings. He must without delay take charge of his security to thwart the current Russian assault and dissuade Moscow from leaving the offensive in the coming years.
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