Reading time: 1min – Video: 2min
2 minutes
The Caisse d’Epargne will close 14 additional agencies in Brittany and in the Pays de la Loire. According to a recent study, one in five agency could soon disappear, mainly in small municipalities. Always more operations are done today on the internet.
In a few days, the agency of the Richelieu Savings Fund (Indre-et-Loire) will no longer exist. The 2,000 customers of this small village are worried about their daily lives. “”Already there is nothing in the region, and there they close … “, regret a woman, while a man deplores “Having to make 35 km round trip“To go to an agency.
Opposite, the manager of the pizzeria is very worried. The city center will be less dynamic, and customers may disappear. “It makes less employees who come to eat with us”, she observes. Another bank must also soon close in the town. There will only be three left, which the mayor regrets, Étienne Martegoutte. “”If we want to revitalize our rural communities, these structures must play the game alongside the public authorities“He said.
Everywhere in France, agency closures multiply with new customer behavior and online banks competition.
Watch the entire report in the video above