First victory for Montauban

While nothing was guaranteed in this sense at the start of the week again, Montauban will finally be able to make his home debut, this Friday against Mont-de-Marsan during the 2nd day of Pro D2 on his (new) lawn of the Sapiac stadium. The green light intervened Thursday on the eve of the meeting.

Impossible to know if Montauban will release the winner of his first game of the season at home. The Montalbanais can on the other hand already congratulate themselves on having won the time-trial race that they had started at the end of last season, and more specifically on the evening of the June 3 dam against Narbonne who had allowed the players of Sébastien Tillous-Borde to validate the right to play a new year in Pro D2. It is indeed in its Sapiac stadium and not to “outside” that the USM will receive Mont-de-Marsan on Friday on behalf of the 2nd day of Pro D2. Certainly, this success has intervened in extremis.

The essential is nevertheless assured for the Tarn-et-Garonne club, which will not have to relocate his first meeting of the exercise at home like Perpignan, who will receive Montpellier in Béziers this weekend, was forced to do so. However, there was talk of moving this first home outing earlier this week again. Because if the Montalbanian leaders had always shown themselves to be most optimistic about the possibility of playing this first match in front of their audience, Friday evening against Mont-de-Marsan, the doubt remained a few hours ago that Sapiac and his new lawn could welcome this meeting counting for the second day of the championship.

Montauban had thought of Toulouse and Brive

The light (doubled with a large relief) came Thursday with the green light, in the form of final agreement of the National Rugby League (LNR). The USM, as she had always hoped for starting this work in the new Sapiac stadium last June, will therefore be able to receive Mont-de-Marsan in her lair, a sort of “version 2.0” of the Montalbanese enclosure, to use the terms used by Olympic Midi.

When nothing yet made it possible to ensure that this match would take place in its stadium, Montauban had activated (and accelerated) its reflection around two possible fall points if it had ever had to relocate this start at home. The first led to Toulouse and the Ernest-Wallon stadium, the second to Brive. Sapiac did not ultimately have been a sharing.

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