En black costume and tie, Emmanuel Macron solemnly alerted the French to the large geopolitical tilting in progress since Donald Trump got closer to Vladimir Putin at the expense of Ukraine and Europe. During a television speech on Wednesday, March 5, the head of state insisted without pouring into the emphasis on the historical and dangerous character of the moment, evoking the entrance to “A new era” dominated by “Brutality”Or “Prosperity and security” are no longer acquired.
The time for the explanation was essential. After having attended, dumbfounded, to the television altercation of February 28, during which the President of the United States and his vice-president, JD VANCE, attacked the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, the French begin to become aware that a world collapsed. Speaking on the eve of the European Summit of Brussels which was to act, Thursday, March 6, a massive strengthening of the defense of the Old Continent, Emmanuel Macron described in an almost clinical way the vulnerability in which Ukraine is not only found but also France and the European Union after the American reversal.
He was particularly firm with regard to Russia, who, he says, has rearmed for years, continues to do so, “Test on the limits” and constitute “A threat that affects European countries”. He spared Donald Trump saying that he wants “Believe that the United States will stay by our side”,, But said he was ready to take on the role of defender of the Democratic and Humanist camp if drift across the Atlantic was to continue, notably invoking a “Certain idea of truth” Among the values to defend.
Very active in recent weeks on the international scene, Mr. Macron declared himself willing to open the strategic debate on protection by French nuclear deterrence of the allies of the European continent. The announcement of a meeting next week in Paris in Paris heads of countries ready to take responsibility to guarantee a future peace in Ukraine, while the idea of a deployment of European forces is still on the agenda, is another way of asserting French leadership in this sequence where the future of Europe is played out.
Budget alarm clock
The other objective of the presidential intervention was, in this context of threats, to ring the time of a painful budget alarm clock. It will be necessary “Reforms, choice, courage: the moment requires unprecedented decisions”warned the head of state by refuting the tax increases again. The country’s reset, much more indebted than its neighbors, places the executive in the very delicate situation to have to put the spending of the State, local communities and social security to find sustainable economies. The Prime Minister, François Bayrou, has repeated it for weeks without managing to start the movement as his political base is close, a consequence of the dissolution of the National Assembly, in June, which considerably weakened the executive.
At the time of mobilization, part of the assessment of Emmanuel Macron plays against him, even if he was clarifying on the need for an autonomous Europe. It was by relying on the concern of the French that he again tried to put pressure on political parties to force them to become aware of the new reality, that of the disappearance of yesterday.