Gérald Darmanin chooses Vendin-le-Vieil and Condé-sur-Sarthe as the first “narcoprisons”

Before the prison of Condé-sur-Sarthe (Orne), on February 17, 2025.

Gérald Darmanin put an end to a suspense which he had himself maintained, by adding a final twist: two penitentiary establishments, and not one as expected, will welcome, before the end of the year, the “200” narcotrafiars considered as the most dangerous in the country. Thursday evening, on the set of the France 2 television news, the Minister of Justice unveiled until July 31, the Prison of Vendin-le-Vieil (Pas-de-Calais) would welcome the first hundred of these detainees. Then, from October 15, the prison of Condé-sur-Sarthe (Orne), would receive 100 others. The latter will join a notorious occupant who already lives there under close surveillance: Mohamed Amra, the most sought-after ex-sought-after-fugitive, detained in isolation for ten days, after nine months of run.

“It’s a revolution for French prisons”hammered the Minister of Justice, on television, advocating “An extremely difficult detention regime”to render “Hermetics” These establishments. They will bring together detainees known to continue their criminal activities remotely from their cell (drug trafficking, punitive expeditions, etc.) using mobile phones that they have no trouble getting. Between 4 and 5 million euros will be necessary to adapt the two selected sites. Built at the same time, according to the same model, Condé-sur-Sarthe as Vendin-le-Viel already presented, according to the ministry, the bases to become the high security establishments intended to support the fight against drug trafficking.

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