Jean-Michel Aphatie “set back” of RTL on Wednesday after a comparison between Oradour-sur-Glane and colonial Algeria

Jean-Michel Aphatie, September 6, 2011.

Journalist Jean-Michel Aphatie was put “Return” of the RTL antenna, Wednesday March 5, after its comparison “Inappropriate” Between the massacre of Oradour-sur-Glane and the colonization of Algeria, but it “Will be back next week”announced the management of the station at the Agency France-Presse (AFP).

Earlier, the presenters of the morning, Thomas Sotto and Amandine Bégot, explained the absence of the journalist, who usually intervenes on Wednesday. “Last Tuesday, during a debate on Algeria, he carried out a parallel between certain acts committed during the colonization of Algeria and Nazi crimes. A comparison that the management of RTL considers inappropriate and which has shocked many of you ”started Thomas Sotto. “Jean-Michel Aphatie not wishing to apologize or come back to his words-which is his right-, the management of RTL therefore asked him to keep this morning behind the antenna”concluded his co -representative.

The decision was “Take Monday”said RTL’s management, confirming that Mr. Aphatie would be “Back next week”.

“We made hundreds of them, we, in Algeria”

Questioned by Image stopsThe journalist said he “Bruised or shocked”evoking “A rather fair play method and content”.

“Each year, in France, we commemorate what happened in Oradour-sur-Glane, that is to say the massacre of a whole village”had recalled Mr. Aphatie. “But we made hundreds of them, we, in Algeria. Are we aware of it? »» In Oradour-sur-Glane, in Limousin, the division of the Waffen SS Das Reich Massacra 642 inhabitants on June 10, 1944.

Read also (2024) | Article reserved for our subscribers The terrible book of history of the survivors of Oradour-sur-Glane

“We did not do Oradour-sur-Glane in Algeria”had retorted Thomas Sotto, before asking: “We behaved like Nazis?” »» “The Nazis behaved like us”replied Jean-Michel Aphatie. These remarks aroused several reports to the Arcom, the media regulator, which opened an investigation to determine if the radio had failed in its obligations.

Politicians have also reacted, like the president of the national rally, Jordan Bardella, castigating “An odious falsification of history and an insult to all the returnees of Algeria”or Eric Ciotti (Union of Laws for the Republic), for whom “Jean-Michel Aphatie took on the role of an Algerian preacher”. This controversy occurs in a context of strong diplomatic tensions between France and Algeria.

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