“Let’s use the more than 200 billion euros in frozen Russian assets in Europe to support the Ukrainian resistance effort”

NWe are at a rocking point. Events are linked every day, history is accelerating and Ukraine seems to pay the price for the new torments of the world as it is looming. But let’s not be mistaken, it is not only the fate of Ukraine that is played out.

It is diplomacy that is in danger of death and which could be supplanted by a new world order based on the law of the strongest and purely transactional interests. It is the security of Europe which is threatened, because Russian imperialism is so unbridled that it is documented today that after Ukraine in closer countries, for certain members of the European Union or NATO, would be the following prey. It is the French, too, who would pay the devastating consequences of a Russian victory: threat to the gas supply, cereal rationing with an explosion of prices to the key or even beginning of unprecedented migration movements, unprecedented destabilization of our economic fundamentals.

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Faced with an existential threat, Europe has started to take responsibility. For the past three years and under the decisive impulse of the President of the Republic, the steps of giant have been completed with the sending of joint military equipment, the adoption unanimously of 16 packets of sanctions or the frost of more than 200 billion euros in assets of the oligarchs and the Russian regime. Recently, and in accordance with France’s commitment, we saw French fighter planes flying in the Ukrainian sky to support the Ukrainian resistance.

The Peace Prize

But we have to go further to help Ukraine and stop war, especially at the time of American disengagement. By suddenly freeing help from Ukraine, Donald Trump could give Russia the advantage she was waiting for to impose her conditions and win. To avoid this drama, there is only one strategy: to intensify our support for Ukraine, to accelerate its membership in the European Union and to give up anything security guarantees which must accompany any peace effort.

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