The Niçois fell on the lawn of Ferencvaros this Thursday evening during the 3rd day of the Europa League (1-0).
After two disappointing performances and results on the continental scene against Real Sociedad (1-1) and Lazio (4-1 defeat), the gym signed a third match without great relief alas this Thursday evening as part of the Europa League. This time in favor of Ferencvaros.
In Hungary, the Aiglons underwent the law of the club of Budapest (1-0), surprised at the start of the game on a confused action and a goal against his camp of the unfortunate Bomboito (15e). Macroids at the offensive, Franck Haise’s men were unable to start their delay, forced to silence despite the opposing generosity.
The expulsion of the rosary at the end of the game (84e) Has sealed the sad fate of the Niçois, who with a small point on the counter in three lifes find themselves at the tail of the peloton, in the red, in 32e Position (out of 36 clubs). It is up to the OGCN to react in fifteen days at home, facing the Batves of Twente.