OM: Stinat-Benatia, it’s confirmed

Suspended for having intimidated the referee Mr. Stinat, Medhi Benatia passed this Thursday by the FFF appeal commission.

On January 14, the spirits were heating up on the edge of the lawn of the velodrome while the OM equalized in additional time against Lille, in 16e final of the French Cup. For having arrested Mr. Stinat, fourth referee that evening, Medhi Benatia will receive a six-month suspension a few weeks later, three of which are closed. For the same facts, Olivier Létang, the president of LOSC, will be sanctioned by two months of suspension, including a farm.

Lastly, this difference in treatment did not fail to move the direction of OM, already on edge at the time even before the rant atrosse of Pablo Longoria. Also the Marseille club decided to appeal to the appeal commission of the French Football Federation. A cell that made its verdict today.

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