“Shame”, “tragedy”, the huge rant of Pierre Sage

At the end of the pitiful elimination of OL in the French Cup against lovers of Bourgoin-Jallieu (2-2, 4-2 Tab), Pierre Sage held a very hard speech towards his players.

OL may be ashamed. Opposed to Bourgoin-Jallieu, resident of National 3, this Wednesday in 16e From the final of the French Cup, the Gones are eliminated at the end of the penalty shootout (2-2, 4-2 TAB). Before that, the Lyonnais were jostled by the Berjallians, who did not steal their qualification.

After the meeting, Pierre Sage did not mince his words when qualifying the unworthy performance of his players. “” Today, in our first half, we have denied too many principles. We did not show pride or honor. Bourgoin deserves his qualification in view of the match we produced “Recognized the Rhone coach at a press conference.

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