“Staying a spectator would be madness,” warns Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron solemnly warned the French, in a speech broadcast on Wednesday evening March 5, that it will be necessary “Reforms, choice, courage” in the “New era” which is sketched in the face of a rapprochement between the United States and Russia, potentially at the expense of Europe and Ukraine.

“Faced with this world of dangers, staying a spectator would be madness”Launched the head of state in a television speech of about fifteen minutes, on the eve of a crucial summit in the European Union (EU) in Brussels to act a massive strengthening of continental defense.

The president had chosen to contact his country in order, according to those around him, to respond to “Very strong anxiety among the French”And “Transforming these anxieties into the will to act and move forward”.

A “Russian threat” that “touches us”

He tried to put words on the current geopolitical rocking since the American president, Donald Trump, returned to dialogue with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, decided to put an end to the war in Ukraine more than three years after the start of the Russian invasion. “The future of Europe does not have to be decided in Washington or Moscow”launched the president.

“I want to believe that the United States will stay by our side. But we must be ready if that was not the case ”explained Emmanuel Macron, describing a “Russian threat” Who “Touch us” with a “Aggressiveness” Who “Don’t seem to know borders”.

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Faced with these threats, he was delighted to see the EU cross Thursday in Brussels “Decisive steps” To invest hundreds of billions of euros in European defense, making decisions that “France proposed for several years”.

But it will also be a difficult budgetary effort with regard to very degraded public finances in France, he hinted. Strengthening the armies will mean making “Additional investments which have now become essential”more “Without taxes being increased”he promised.

The memorable world

Test your general culture with the writing of the “world”

Test your general culture with the writing of the “world”


He called on policies and social partners to offer “Solutions of tomorrow” Who “Cannot be the habits of yesterday”. “The homeland needs you and your commitment”said the head of state to the French, advocating the unity of Europeans and praising “The strength of soul of a nation”.

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A meeting of the Chiefs of the Child Staff

In the maneuver in recent weeks, with the British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, to organize the unit of Europeans and try to maintain the transatlantic dialogue, he also announced a meeting next week in Paris “Chiefs of staff in countries who wish to take responsibility” To guarantee a future peace in Ukraine, including, “Perhaps, by the deployment of European forces”.

And if he confirmed wanting “Open the strategic debate on protection by our deterrence of our allies from the European continent”He tried to reassure by ensuring that the decision to initiate nuclear weapon “Has always been and will remain in the hands of the President of the Republic”.

“Macron says true. It is a change of time. But those who have set us deadlocked and idealized the USA should no longer be followed ”reacted to X the leader of rebellious France, Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Just after his speech, Emmanuel Macron received Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, support from Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, and one of the most dissonant votes within the EU.

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Dissuade Trump from putting into force the “customs tariffs on European goods”

After a spectacular altercation between the American president and his counterpart Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday in the oval office, and the announcement on Monday of the frost of American military aid in kyiv, vital to stand up to Moscow, the dialogue seems to be re -engaged.

Emmanuel Macron spoke with the two men, and Tuesday evening, in a speech before the American Congress, the tenant of the White House said he received a letter from Volodymyr Zelensky demonstrating his will to negotiate “As soon as possible” a “Sustainable peace” with Russia.

The Ukrainian leader had expressed this intention a few hours earlier by offering in particular to start with a “Truce in the air” AND “One more”Taking an option advanced by the French president.

The possibility of a new trip “In the short term” From the Franco-British duo to Washington, with Volodymyr Zelensky, was even mentioned Wednesday morning by the French government spokesperson, but immediately denied by the Elysée, who assured that it was not “Envisaged at this stage”.

Beyond the Ukrainian file, Emmanuel Macron also said that he still hoped “Dissuade” the American president to carry out his threat of “Customs tariffs on European goods”a “Incompensible decision for both the American economy and for ours”.

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