The demand for personal services will increase sharply by 2050, according to an INSEE study

In particular of this increase, the aging of the population and the extension of the lifespan.


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By 2050, 5 million households will use personal services. (Vanessa Meyer / Maxppp)

By 2050, 5 million households will use personal services. (Vanessa Meyer / Maxppp)

A strong increase in personal services demand is expected by 2050, according to a study published Thursday, March 13 by INSEE, the National Institute of Statistics of Economic Studies. By 2050, 5 million households will use personal services, according to INSEE analyzes, against 3.9 million in 2019 (last data available – or 13.8% of French households).

These projections are established from an observation of the evolution of behavior, mainly, the aging of the population, and the increase in the number of people aged 80 or over.

Between 2013 and 2019, the number of personal services user households increased by 7.5 %, or 270,000 more users, reports INSEE. “”This growth would continue in the years to come“, estimates the institute.

In his report, INSEE also alerts to “hundreds of thousands of employees to train and recruit by 2050“. The INSEE estimates the needs between 100,000 and 170,000 employees, depending on the scenarios.

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