The development of Deschamps

The criticisms that affected the French team in the final lost to Argentina at the 2022 World Cup, still remain across the throat of Didier Deschamps.

Four years after its 2018 coronation, the French team did not go far from a “back to back”. Qualified for the 2022 World Cup final organized by Qatar, Didier Deschamps’ troop finally lost at the end of the suspense against Argentina. Absent from the debates for almost an hour, France suddenly woke up thanks to a brilliant Kylian Mbappé. In vain since the shots on goal finally turned to the advantage of Lionel Messi and his family. A few months after this painful backhand, Didier Deschamps returned to certain criticism.

And in particular those relating to these famous sixty first minutes completely missed by the Blues. Invited to talk about this match this Sunday on RTLThe tricolor coach has tackled criticism in his own way. With first observation. “” We were not there for different reasons. There are players who, emotionally (had trouble with it) le play the final. Others were in athletic deficit. We could not fight against a team that had this aggressiveness. But we managed to tip this match. “”

“Finally we were good”

Then “DD” played the counterattack. “” Do you know how long this match lasted before shots on goal? One hundred and neighboring. So we were not present an hour. An hour is sixty minutes. Compared to one hundred and three-three… so there are ninety-three. Finally we were good part of the longer time. »Say of telling the criticism that the Blues finally achieved a good performance despite the sluggish time.

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