The executives remain mostly opposed to any turning back on the telework, according to the APEC

He is 5 years old, almost to the day, France entered confinement…. And some of the employees rocked in teleworking, a practice that has since settled, as shown in a study by APEC, the association for the employment of executives.



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Some 82% of executives say they would be unhappy if their business removed telework, according to APEC. (Justin Paget / Digital Vision)

Some 82% of executives say they would be unhappy if their business removed telework, according to APEC. (Justin Paget / Digital Vision)

Teleworking has entered customs. In five years, the share of executives who teleworked, regularly or occasionally, has almost doubled: it increased from 28% to 65%. And the pace has also progressed a lot, since today, two thirds of private managers teleworked at least one day a week. Most companies have also integrated practice into their organization, especially large companies. It depends on corporate charters, but more often than not, we teleworked two days a week. We also teleworked more in Île-de-France than in the region.

Employees only see advantages: Less fatigue in transport, a better articulation between professional and personal life, moreover, an INSEE study shows that women accidentally acclaim than men, even if they do not always have an office at home and often telework on the kitchen table.

We also observe that parents of children aged 6 to 15/17 are very demanding, unlike those who have very young children, because teleworking with young children, it’s sporty!

For some, disadvantages persist. Finally, According to the study of theAssociation for the use of executives (APEC) published Wednesday March 12, Only 12% of executives estimate that working remotely has more drawbacks than advantages. It is mainly young people, who ask to come more on site to see their colleagues, but also the seniors, who wish to break the loneliness.

Some directions nevertheless want to limit or reduce telework. THE movement is mainly done in the United States. JP Morgan, Dell or Amazon announced the full return to the office of their employees – 300,000 at Amazon – in the name of creativity and team cohesion, which develop better in face -to -face. But there are also reflections to limit practice.

The fact remains that, according to the APEC investigation, this backtrack is very poorly perceived by the employees. Some 82% of executives say they would be unhappy if their business removed telework, and one in two would be ready to resign! A sign that teleworking is today a real lever to recruit or retain the teams. It is perceived as a acquired standard. However, this measure digs inequalities between the categories of employees: 28 % of workers in the intermediate professions benefit, against 11 % among employees and only 1 % among workers.

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