Reading time: 1min – Video: 2min
2 minutes
53% of French people admit to having dropped their meat consumption in the last three years, according to an action for Action Climate Network, published Tuesday, March 18. This change in consumption is mainly explained by the rise in prices.
In the Boucherie Terroir, in Paris, customers used to order less meat. “I have less taste for meat, my wallet has less the goput of meat“, confirms a retiree. Luigi Casteran, the butcher, insists:”Customers prefer to eat a little less meat than in previous years“Over the past twenty years, meat consumption has dropped by 6%.
This phenomenon is mainly explained by the cost of meat but more than one in three French people also advances health reasons or environmental causes. According to the Action Climate Network Association, a fundamental trend is installed. “”The expectations of eating more vegetable, more organic are widely shared by the entire population“Confirms Benoît Granier, food manager within the association.
Find the entire report in the video above