The French shipowner CMA CGM will invest $ 20 billion in the United States, announces Donald Trump

Donald Trump has this “Delighted”Thursday, March 6, of the future investment of $ 20 billion in the United States announced by the French giant of maritime transport CMA CGM. In the presence of the group’s owner, Rodolphe Saadé, 47e President of the United States said from the White House that this investment resulted “Election” presidential, which has notably resulted in “Large protections”.

Since his inauguration in January, Donald Trump began to take up American taxes on imports, which has the effect of adding the entry costs to the American market for companies that are not established.

“This massive investment will be to build infrastructure and logistics terminals for maritime transport, which will create around 10,000 new jobs in the United States”continued the American president.

The CEO of the third world shipowner said he “Very enthusiastic” about this investment, which could increase “In the coming weeks”. “We would like, Mr. President, that there are more ships beating the American pavilion. We are going to go from the ten that we operate today to thirty ships under the American pavilion ”said Saadé.

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