Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, wants to get out of “naivety” and intervene. The government hopes to recover 40 billion euros within four years by fighting tax and social fraud.
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To combat social fraud, the government plans to target in particular the RSA perceived abusive by certain drug traffickers, according to information from Franceinfo Friday, March 14. The Government has initiated a social but also social fraud plan for several months for several months. If we take all the cumulative fraud – customs, public aid, tax, social detected – Bercy identified about twenty billion euros in fraud last year, according to an assessment made on Friday. And out of these 20 billion, almost the amount of social security deficit, the government managed to recover 13 billion, which it therefore collected in 2024.
Its objective is to gain strength, to strengthen controls, in particular concerning fraud with public aid, by far the most organized and the most expensive. For Maprimrenov, for example, we saw companies flourish just to capture public money. Bercy says that she had avoided 250 million euros in fraud, detecting upstream of false declarations of work and illicit circuits. Ditto on the side of the personal training account. As part of Thomas Cazenave’s bill, debated in Parliament, Amélie de Montchalin, the Minister of Public Accounts plans to strengthen the Arsenal of controls.
There is a blind spot today, it is the fight against social fraud. Catherine Vautrin, the Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, says he wants to go out “Naivety” and tackle it. Currently, the Ministry of the Economy can recover from unconvolved income tax that the tax administration tracks, for example, by noting on social networks that the lifestyle of a taxpayer does not correspond to its declarations. But for unpaid social contributions, the CSG, for example, nothing happens. The objective is that the URSSAF and social administrations can recover it.
Thus, a drug trafficker who touches the RSA when in reality his income, even illicit did not allow him, was not likely, until then, to reimburse these aids. Tomorrow, once a drug trafficker has been arrested, he will also have to account for these payments he has notably benefited from the government.
Estimates concerning fraud are still difficult, but Bercy wants to recover 40 billion euros within four years. It is ambitious, because it supposes to better cross the files, to have more agents. As such, the government also has a lot on artificial intelligence. As the executive seeks money to finance the war effort, the fight against fraud is a lever on which he bets.