The responses of Sylvie Kauffmann, editorialist in the “world”, to your questions about the geopolitical situation

Since the tense meeting between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday February 28 at the White House and the American freezing of aid in Ukraine, the will of the United States to turn away from Europe is patent. This recomposition of the world order forces European countries to rethink their defense strategy, currently very dependent on the United States. What make the French “Legitimately worried” As Emmanuel Macron pointed out in his television speech on March 6.

This concern, we find it in the many questions that our readers sent us through social networks. “Is there a serious risk of third world war?” »»,, “Faced with American withdrawal, would NATO still be effective and dissuasive?” »»,, “Is Europe sufficiently autonomously autonomous? »» are questions returned many times in our comments.

In this video, Sylvie Kauffmann, editorialist at World And specialist in international relations, answers your questions directly on the geopolitical situation. His analyzes enriched with patterns and graphics give an overview of the future of relations between Europe and the United States.

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