The unions expect clarifications after the words of François Bayrou on his refusal to return to the 62 years

The Prime Minister excluded on Sunday a return to a legal retirement age at 62 when the social partners were brought together, in the form of a conclave, until May 28 to try to put the so controversial reform of 2023.


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The Prime Minister, François Bayrou, at the Global Industry show in Chassieu (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes), March 13, 2025. (Nicolas Liponne / Maxppp)

The Prime Minister, François Bayrou, at the Global Industry show in Chassieu (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes), on March 13, 2025. (Nicolas Liponne / Maxppp)

Several trade union organizations asked Monday, March 17, from Matignon to clarify the government’s position after the words they deem “incomprehensible” of the Prime Minister on the impossible return to 62 years. François Bayrou closed the door on Sunday to a return from the starting age at 62, provoking the ire of oppositions and jeopardizing the future of the future of “conclave” Responsible for reworking for several weeks the reform entered into force in September 2023, establishing an age of departure at 64 years. The social partners must meet on Wednesday to talk about the retirement of civil servants.

The CFDT, “Attached to an age on the age of 62”Account ask the Prime Minister “If he confirms his words” During a meeting between the union and Mr. Bayrou scheduled for Tuesday. On Franceinfo, the confederal secretary of the CGT Denis Gravouil denounced “A considerable government cacophony” and stressed that “If we cannot discuss everything, we ask ourselves the question of (the relevance of) Our participation “ At “conclave” bringing together the social partners. “The scale could lean on the side of the departure, but in any case that means that we will continue to fight for the abrogation of the reform”he added.

François Bayrou, who had reopened in January the file of the pension reform, had entrusted to the social partners the task of finding a new balance of the system and rediscovering “Without any totem” In “taboo” On the ultra-contained departure at 64 years old. But the Prime Minister closed the door on Sunday to a return from the departure age at 62, jeopardizing the future of “conclave”. Thierry Breton, former European commissioner for the internal market, praised on Monday on Franceinfo the “common sense” of the Prime Minister who refused to return to the legal departure age at 62.

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