When becoming the world champion of green energies slows down the fight against climate change

Production line of electric vehicles at the Leapmotor factory in Jinhua, in the province of Zhejiang, in China, September 18, 2024.

Not without a certain paradox, the same frantic race of China to the production of goods which must allow its “transition” and that of other countries towards fewer CO emissions2 Currently annoys its efforts in the fight against global warming. The first greenhouse gas transmitter on the planet, still dependent on coal for the majority of its energy production, has settled in a separate category, well in front of the others, in terms of installation of solar panels and wind turbines.

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This unrivaled effort benefits its industry: the country has established itself as undisputed leader in the development and assembly of electric vehicles, batteries and photovoltaic panels. Chinese power regularly praises the positive character both for the climate and for the economy of these sectors: the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, describes them as “New productive forces”Compared to the more dated textiles or household appliances.

But these factories are more energy -consuming than household consumption or the service sector, for example, and their development delays Chinese progress. China lacked, in 2024, a major climate objective. The China National Statistics Office announced, Friday, February 28, that the country’s carbon intensity, that is to say the volume of emissions necessary to produce each unit of its economic growth, lowered well in 2024, but 3.4 %, less than the official objective of a fall of 3.9 %.

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